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Immunopharmacology and Inflammation
Evidence for the complementary and synergistic effects of the three-alkaloid combination regimen containing berberine, hypaconitine and skimmianine on the ulcerative colitis rats induced by trinitrobenzene-sulfonic acidThe Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Biomarkers of Fibroproliferative Healing in Fibrosing Idiopathic Interstitial PneumoniasAnadolu Kardiyol Derg.
A novel association between TGFb1 and ADAMTS4 in coronary artery disease: A new potential mechanism in the progression of atherosclerosis and diabetes.Exp Ther Med.
PAR‑2, IL‑4R, TGF‑β and TNF‑α in bronchoalveolar lavage distinguishes extrinsic allergic alveolitis from sarcoidosisHistol Histopathol
Estrogen-deficient osteoporosis enhances the recruitment and activity of osteoclasts by breast cancer cellsJ Reprod Immunol
The immunomodulating effect of seminal plasma on T cellsNutr Cancer
Camel Milk: Potential Utility as an Adjunctive Therapy to Peg-IFN/RBV in HCV-4 Infected Patients in EgyptDeletion Polymorphism and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
ReCavia (Guinea pig )lation of Viral Infection-induced Airway Remodeling Cytokine Production by the TLR3-EGFR Signaling Pathway in Human Bronchial Epithelial CellsCancer Medicine & Anti Cancer Drugs
Ameliorative Potential of Tamoxifen/Thymoquinone Combination in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Biochemical and Immunohistochemical Studyournal of Sleep Sciences
Th17 Cell Related Cytokine Profiles in Narcolepsy and Other Types of Excessive Daytime Sleepinessimmunology letters
Gemcitabine treatment enhanced the anti-tumor effect of cytokine induced killer cells by depletion of CD4+CD25bri regulatory T cells.Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management
Elevated blood plasma levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, tyrosine hydroxylase, TGFβ1, and TNFα associated with high-altitude pulmonary edema in an Indian population.Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment
Effect of Indole-3-carbinol and/or Metformin on Female Patients with Ulcerative Colitis (Premalignant Condition): Role of Oxidative Stress, Apoptosis and Proinflammatory CytokinesExperiental And Therapeutic Medicine
Plasma proteins as potential targets of abnormal Savda syndrome in asthma patients treated with unique Uighur prescriptionJournal of Thoracic Oncology
Systemic and Tumor Th1 and Th2 Inflammatory Profile and Macrophages in Lung Cancer: Influence of Underlying Chronic Respiratory DiseaseMolecular Medicine Reports
Pigment epithelium‑derived factor protects human glomerular mesangial cells from diabetes via NOXO1‑iNOS suppressionOncotarget.
Tumor-associated macrophages promote tumor metastasis via the TGF-β/SOX9 axis in non-small cell lung cancerOral Diseases
Glucosamine oral administration as an adjunct to hyaluronic acid injection in treating temporomandibular joint osteoarthritisBiomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
Cytokine production in vitro and in rat model of colitis in response to Lactobacillus plantarum LS07Communications Biology
Activated hepatic stellate cells promote epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in hepatocellular carcinoma through transglutaminase 2-induced pseudohypoxiaJournal of Cellular And Molecular Medicine
Lipopolysaccharide enhances TGF‐β1 signalling pathway and rat pancreatic fibrosisBiomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
Cytokine production in vitro and in rat model of colitis in response to Lactobacillus plantarum LS/07Biomedicines
Exploring Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition Signals in Endometriosis Diagnosis and In Vitro Fertilization OutcomesTissue Eng Regen Med
Effect of Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) on Tissue Regeneration and Proliferation of Human Gingival Fibroblast Cells Cultured Using a Modified MethodBiomedicines
Exploring Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition Signals in Endometriosis Diagnosis and In Vitro Fertilization OutcomesCancer Commun (Lond)
Anti‐PD‐L1/TGF‐βR fusion protein (SHR‐1701) overcomes disrupted lymphocyte recovery‐induced resistance to PD‐1/PD‐L1 inhibitors in lung cancerEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Different exposure modes of PM2. 5 induces bronchial asthma and fibrosis in male rats through macrophage activation and immune imbalance induced by …Применение:
Набор для определения С3 компонента комплемента (С3) методом ИФА (человек)
ELISA Kit for Anti-Myelin Associated Glycoprotein Antibody (Anti-MAG)Набор для определения антител к миелин-ассоциированному гликопротеину
Trefoil Factor 3, Intestinal (TFF3)Фактор трилистника 3
Vascular Adhesion Protein 1 (VAP1)Белок сосудистой адгезии-1
ELISA kit for IL2 receptorНабор для определения рецептора интерлейкина 2 (IL2R) (человек)
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